This study evaluated the link between vitamin D supplementation, and the relief of depressive symptoms. It was a meta-analysis.
A meta-analysis is a research method that combines and analyzes data from multiple studies on the same topic to identify patterns, draw broader conclusions, or determine the overall effectiveness of an intervention. It often uses statistical techniques to synthesize results, increasing the reliability and generalizability of findings compared to individual studies.
After this study was performed, the results/conclusions were as follows:
“Our dose–response meta-analysis of randomized trials demonstrated that vitamin D supplementation may result in a large improvement in depressive symptoms at follow-up shorter than 24 weeks. The greatest impact was seen at 8000 IU/day, and higher doses had no added value in reducing depressive symptoms. Vitamin D supplementation had no effects on depression remission and anxiety symptoms. More trials with high quality are needed to test the long-term efficacy of vitamin D supplementation, considering baseline vitamin D levels of individuals, on depressive symptoms, as well as on depression remission and anxiety symptoms.”
There is a move in in the country to move away from traditional antidepressants when possible. Speak with you medical provider about Vitamin D supplementation.
The study may be found at: https://www.doximity.com/newsfeed/68eb8da8-edff-4765-8270-7e08fa677eed/public